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Crusades: During the mediaeval period, the Crusades were a series of holy wars and religious b…

Byzantine Empire

Byzantine Empire: The Byzantine Empire, often known as the Eastern Roman Empire, was a fascina…

Ancient Greece City States

Ancient Greece City-States: The Greek city-states are historically noteworthy as the origin of…

Dynasties of China

Dynasties of China: China's history is rich and interesting, spanning thousands of years .…

Famous Spanish Conquistadors

Famous Spanish Conquistadors: The Spanish conquistador era was a major moment in history when…

The Viking Age

The Viking Age: The nautical excursions of the Norse people, known as Vikings, defined the Vik…

The Ottoman Empire

The Ottoman Empire: The Ottoman Empire is one of history's most significant and influentia…

The Inca Empire

The Inca Empire The Inca Empire, also known as Tawantinsuyu, was a South American civilization…

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